First Generation
November 9,10,15,16,17, 2024 -
7 - 9:30 pm
Presentation House Theatre - Studio,
North Vancouver
Curated by: Annie Hung
"First Generation" showcases the artwork of young immigrants and older generations whose voices are often unheard by the public. At the beginning of their journeys, immigrant children still develop their cultural identities when they find themselves in a new country. This art exhibition is juxtaposed with older adults, who have a wealth of lived experience and have had the time to create a body of work that speaks to that. Showcasing art created by these two demographics, this exhibit bridges the generational gap that immigrants often face due to being separated from their cultural origins.
Annie Hung (She/They)
is a multidisciplinary artist and educator who enjoys painting, sculpting, writing, drawing, animating, and so much more. She teaches in the Metro Vancouver community and is a PhD student at SFU. Passionate about equity, diversity, and inclusion, she is dedicated to working with a broad range of demographics. She eagerly engages with heavy topics, finding cuteness, humor, pop culture, and aesthetics to be great tools for exploring complex topics in a more accessible way.