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Intergenerational (dis) Connection


DATES: Nov 5 - 9, 2023

TIME: 11 AM to 2 PM

Are you someone living in Canada who is part of an immigrant or refugee community?  Are you impacted by cultural and language differences in your family or community?  If so, we invite you to engage in a creative exploration to develop small plays into a performance as part of the Stand Festival in November 2023. The workshop: Participants will be engaged in playful theatre games with a director and facilitator to build a simple story on the theme.  All participants must commit to the whole schedule. An honorarium will be offered for your full participation. We invite people 18 and older to get involved. No acting experience is necessary. 


If interested, email Assistant Director Faedra Mirhashemy at  

Please introduce yourself, mention your home country, your age and let us know why you’re interested in participating in this event. Feel free to ask any questions.


We look forward to hearing from you! 

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